FTX Outback Mini – Croatia Mini Dirt Run

By Remote Addicted
In Videos
Juni 16th, 2018

The 1/24 FTX Outback Mini and I met Mister Crabs. He wasn’t really happy to see us while we were driving around in Croatia. Enjoy the easy trail run my friends!

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2 Responses to “FTX Outback Mini – Croatia Mini Dirt Run”

  1. Ilija Knezevic sagt:

    Hi, nice to see this video. I am from croatia. To be honest. Your videos with bashing the supper swift, was one of the main reasons I got mine from Tamico.de

    Good work!

  2. Hey Ilija, cool! The Swift if super fun to drive. But keep sure to strengthen the body. The body is super thin. Have fun 🙂

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