Jeep Wrangler – Path to the dead chateau (PART II)

By Remote Addicted
In Videos
Juli 9th, 2016

Our adventure continued and we were still searching for the old dead chateau somewhere inside the forest. It was a hard but beautiful way and now it seems that there’s a dead end. We need to figure out how to pass the gorge and then keep going. We still haven’t found the dead chateau yet! Enjoy the adventure.

Subscribing is awesome! <3

Jeep Wrangler – Path to the dead chateau (PART II)

By Remote Addicted
In Videos @de
Juli 9th, 2016

Our adventure continued and we were still searching for the old dead chateau somewhere inside the forest. It was a hard but beautiful way and now it seems that there’s a dead end. We need to figure out how to pass the gorge and then keep going. We still haven’t found the dead chateau yet! Enjoy the adventure.

Subscribing is awesome! <3

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